On Saturday the 6th of May 2023, the whole of the United Kingdom came together as we watched our new monarch, King Charles the third, be crowned King of England.


Last week's coronation event was a significant moment in British history as it marked the beginning of a new reign. Saturday’s ceremony was steeped in tradition, and included rituals such as the king being anointed in holy oil; being presented with the crown and sceptre; and finally taking an oath of allegiance to the British people and our country.


The significance of this event has not been lost at Tregoze Primary School as during the week leading up to the 6th of May we taught our children all about the history of the British royal family, as well as why the coronation is of vast importance. We also didn’t miss the opportunity to further promote British values to our pupils.


As well as integrating the coronation into our lesson plans, we also hosted a number of activities that encapsulated everything British. For example, On Friday the 5th of May we hosted a special coronation day where pupils and staff could attend school wearing red, white, and blue attire.


We started proceeding with a coronation themed assembly, where we gathered to honor the significance of the event. Then in preparation for our coronation lunch, we got all of our pupils to design three coronation items. Firstly, each class embarked on a creative journey, crafting their own crowns. Everyone also created their own placemats which were then used for their lunch. Finally, every child had the opportunity to decorate a biscuit with delightful icing and special edible paper decorations, ensuring all the pupils got to enjoy something sweet.


The coronation lunch consisted of delectable sandwiches, sausage rolls, potato salad, and mouthwatering coronation cupcakes. The kitchen team really outdid themselves and gave the whole school a delicious treat. The day was filled with laughter,

excitement, and a shared sense of national pride. It was a truly memorable experience that will be cherished by our school community for years to come.


Last Saturday was an important moment in our country's history; and we hope everyone enjoyed celebrating the coronation, with their family and friends, as much as we enjoyed hosting these events!